The Miracles and Akathist of Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri, the New Martyr
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Translated from the Romanian text with permission by Sophia Press.
The story of Saint Ephraim’s life remained entirely unknown for over five hundred years, buried under the ancient ruins of the destroyed Monastery of the Annunciation. According to the faithfulness of a certain nun, Sister Makaria, Saint Ephraim miraculously revealed to her his fragrant relics and the story of his most brutal martyrdom. Ever since, the holy martyr has been a compassionate and powerful intercessor, particularly for those who deal with despair, depression, and suicidal inclinations..
Discover the stories of how this little known God-pleaser has worked extraordinary miracles in the lives of the faithful even in our age, along with a most-piously written akathist hymn in praise of our new protector, healer, and comforter.
You could not bear seeing the image of God mocked by the devil, and so, quickly you jumped to help the woman who harmed herself, Great Martyr Ephraim, thereby working her deliverance. Likewise, the Lord glorified you as a great defender and helper to those fallen in despair. Speedily have mercy, most righteous one, on all those who are alone and abandoned who bear the bitter burden of downcast thoughts!